My course isn't shown in Canvas


This article will offer some guidance as to why courses may not be listed in Canvas and what a student should do if they have this issue.


Please keep in mind that not all instructors make their courses available to students within Canvas at the same time.
When an instructor makes their course visible within Canvas is up to each instructor.

Instructors may make courses available:

  • before the semester starts
  • the week that classes begin
  • after an in-person class has met for the first time
  • sometime after classes begin

If your course is not appearing in Canvas we recommend the following:

  1. Check your courses in mySEMO Portal to make sure you are enrolled
  2. Check Courses->All Courses in Canvas. Current courses will be listed first, followed by Past and Future Enrollments. Each course's publication status (Published=Yes/No) is listed at right.
    1. If the course you're looking for is listed at top but is not Published this means the instructor has not made it available yet (see 3 & 4 below).
    2. If the course is listed under Past or Future Enrollments, it could indicate a problem with the course's setup
    3. If the course is listed in mySEMO (#1 above), but is not listed anywhere under All Courses, it could be due to a late enrollment or other issue.
  3. If the class also has an in person component, check Canvas after the first time the class meets
  4. If the class is completely online, check Canvas after classes have begun for the semester

If the instructor confirms that you show as enrolled in the class, and the class is visible but you still do not see it listed, contact the IT Help Desk or open a ticket at top right.




Article ID: 13533
Fri 5/5/23 11:06 AM
Mon 10/14/24 7:12 PM

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Canvas is a web-based learning management system, or LMS, used by faculty to manage and deliver online course materials, assess student progress, and engage enrolled students in learning activities.