Importing a Course Template from Commons in Canvas
This guide sheet will provide instructions for importing Course Templates created by CTL for use in courses.
Locating the Course Template
Step 1: Open Canvas
Step 2: Using the menu on the left, select Commons
Step 3: Use the “Search” to add either CTL or Southeast Missouri
NOTE: There are Three Templates to Choose. Look for SEMO.
1. CTL Modules Template:
2. CTL Pages Template:
3. CTL Syllabus Template:
Importing the Course Template
Step 4: Select the Template. In this example, The Modules template was selected. Give Canvas time to load.
Step 5: On the right menu, select the blue Import/Download
Step 6: Your list of courses will be available in a pop-up window. Select the course you want to import.
Step 7: When a course is selected, the blue Import into Course can now be selected.
You should get a message in green about the successful start of the import.
Once, the import is complete, you can import any additional content. Any content imported over existing content will appear at the bottom of the Modules page, below any template content (if applicable).