Making an Item Bank


This article shows you how to create an item bank and then add that bank to a new quiz


1. Click on the Item Bank tab on your canvas page


2. Click on the blue "+Bank" button

3. Name your bank and be sure it is shared with your course then create bank


4. Select and open the new bank that has been created

5. Click on the "+New" button

6. add question to this bank like one would in a quiz

7. After bank is created open your new quiz or create a new quiz


Name your quiz and choose all of your preferred quiz settings and due dates and then click build


8. Once you are in your new quiz click the item banks button


9.  Select the bank you have created

10. if you wish to select individual questions then click on the blue plus sign button to the left of them and there is also an option to add all questions on this page "+ All/Random"



Article ID: 14155
Thu 6/15/23 2:32 PM
Tue 11/21/23 4:57 PM