Disabling Randomized MAC Addressing -- Windows 10/11


Some versions of Windows 10 have a feature that randomizes the MAC address for different WiFi connections. When connecting to Southeast's network, disable this feature to avoid filling multiple device slots on your account. If you do not see the option for 'use random MAC address' it is likely that your version of Windows 10 does not have this feature.


Some versions of Windows 10 have a feature that randomizes the MAC address for different WiFi connections. When connecting to Southeast's network, disable this feature to avoid filling multiple device slots on your account. If you do not see the option for 'use random MAC address' it is likely that your version of Windows 10 does not have this feature.

Because the Private Address feature randomizes your MAC for every network, the following steps should be completed for all Southeast networks your device connects to. For example, if you connect to SoutheastSecure AND SoutheastResNet, you'll need to complete these steps for each network.

  1. Select the 'Start' button in the bottom left corner of the screen
  2. Select the gear icon to go to 'Settings'
  3. Select 'Network and Internet'
  4. Select 'Wifi'
  5. Set 'Use random hardware addresses' to 'Off'



Article ID: 3143
Wed 2/9/22 4:32 PM
Tue 11/29/22 12:06 PM