Sound Issue with Zoom


Determine source of the sound issue, then resolve through simple troubleshooting steps.



Audio issues while using Zoom is typically one of two possible scenarios, either the microphone or the speakers.  First thing that needs to happen is determine whether the faculty can't hear the students, or if the students can't hear the faculty.  This will tell us whether it's a microphone or speaker issue.

Microphone Issue

Students can't hear the instructor.

1. Verify the correct Microphone selection

2. Run Test Speaker & Microphone option within Zoom

3. Check USB connection to the Webcam or AMX Soundbar, try disconnecting it, then reconnecting it.

a. The AMX Soundbar has a front-facing microphone, so if it is facing the students, it may have difficulty picking up the instructor's voice.

b. If the camera on the AMX Soundbar is working, but not the microphone, check the power cable.

c. Webcams with auto-focus may cause disruptions in audio and video, make sure lighting is sufficient.

4. Run Test Speaker & Microphone option within Zoom

Speaker Issue

Instructor can't hear the students.

1. Verify the correct speaker selection within Zoom

2. Run Test Speaker & Microphone option within Zoom

3. Check volume levels on Windows, the application playing sound, and the speaker system.

Note: The speaker system may include an amplifier mounted in an equipment rack, make sure it's powered on.

4. Check USB and power connections to the Speakers or AMX Soundbar, try disconnecting it, then reconnecting it.  

Note: This will allow Windows to reset the device.

5. Run Test Speaker & Microphone option within Zoom




Article ID: 557
Tue 9/14/21 9:13 AM
Fri 9/17/21 9:44 AM