How To Map Network Drives

 It is a simple process to connect or "map" network drives on windows 10 and 11, but you need to make sure you have a couple things first.

  1. Make sure your account has been given access to the drive. Your supervisor must contact IT requesting that you be given access
  2. You must know the path of the network drive you need to access, it should start with something like "\\aca\sharedata$"
  3. Make sure you are on SEMO Internet/VPN

  1. Once you know you have both of these, go to file explorer and select "This PC"
  2. Select "Computer" (for windows 11 devices you will need to click the 3 little dots instead, the rest of the steps are the same)
  3. Select "Map network drive" 
  4. Enter the path and drive letter
  5. Leave the "Reconnect at sign-in box checked", and "connect using different credentials" unchecked
  6. Click Finish, you are done