Workstation Security Standards

To help ensure the security of University data, all workstations must be secured according to the standards listed below unless a more stringent regulatory requirement is applicable.


  1. University-owned Windows workstations must be managed through the University's Active Directory System.
    • Each computer object must be located in the appropriate AD OU.
    • Each workstation must be joined to the domain.
  2. University-owned Windows workstations must have the local administrator account renamed and any guest accounts disabled.
  3. Basic security settings must be enforced by local or domain level policy.
    • Security patching must be enforced and performed on a regular basis.
    • Local account passwords must meet.
    • Local firewall must be turned on.
    • Automatic locking of workstation after idle timer expires.
  4. Anti-virus software must be installed and definitions kept current.
  5. For university-owned systems, the IT department must maintain an inventory including serial numbers and owner information.
  6. Exceptions to these standards must be approved by the campus ISO and will be re-evaluated on a periodic basis.