Microsoft Teams

Tags Teams

Teams is a collaboration application which allows you and your colleagues to stay informed, organized and connected.  It is easy to create a Team and invite members.  A team help coordinate work for a department, committee, or a project.  Teams provide the ability to share files, host discussions, manage projects (i.e., Planner), coordinate activities (i.e., Calendar), chat with team members and hold virtual meetings.  Channels allow you to create work areas within a team, like sub-committees or topics. 

A good overview video of Teams is at What is Microsoft Teams? - Microsoft Support

More information on Teams can be found at Overview of teams and channels in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

I need help with Teams

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Microsoft Teams is a wonderful and powerful collaboration tool. Team members can share files, chat, hold audio or video calls, etc. all from within Teams. All active Southeast students, faculty and staff have access to Teams through the University's Office 365 license. However, sometimes Team organizers need to involve people from outside SEMO to participate in a Team. This article will explain the process of adding users outside SEMO to a Team.


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Tue 3/14/23 2:22 PM
Wed 3/15/23 1:04 PM