What Services Does The IT Help Desk Provide?

What Services Does The IT Help Desk Provide?

The IT Help Desk at Southeast Missouri State University is one-stop resource for questions, problems, requests .... really anything IT related.

The list of services we can provide includes:  

Issues with...

  • Southeast Key/Email
  • mySEMO Portal
  • Computer / Devices / Phones (personal or university-owned)

Connecting Devices to Campus Wi-fi

  • Computers
  • Mobile Devices
  • Games Consoles
  • Media Streaming
  • Other

Other services

  • Virus/Malware Removal
  • Computer Setup
  • Office 365 Install
  • Installing / Troubleshooting Software

And Much More.

PLEASE NOTE: While we are happy to assist with personal devices, we are not setup for hardware repairs. We can however recommend several local vendors who have a proven track record of providing services to students, faculty and staff. Also, some IT staff and student workers are interested in providing services to faculty, staff and students on their own time for a fee. If this is something you are interested in, let us know.

ALSO: Be aware that users are financially responsible for any configuration hardware/software changes or upgrades, etc. that are requested to personal devices - for example, if an operating system upgrade is requested, the user must have a valid copy of the software to be installed.

Further Questions? Contact the IT Help Desk at 573.651.4357 or helpdesk@semo.edu

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Article ID: 20977
Tue 8/13/24 1:22 PM
Tue 8/13/24 1:24 PM

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